Saturday, October 30, 2010

Only Jon Stewart Can Save Us Now

A couple months ago on this blog I bemoaned the fact that Glen Beck held a rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. He even had the audacity to hold it on the anniversary of Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech.

Today Jon Stewart is holding a rally to restore sanity to America. I am ashamed of myself for not being there so I am doing the logical thing and blaming Larry for not taking me.

Many people are now questioning whether a comedian should be holding such  a rally. My response to that is this: He wouldn't have to if the news outlets would have been doing there job for the last ten years.

Since the advent of Fox News we can no longer trust any of the other news broadcasters to report for us. As soon as a news organization, any news organization attempts to cover both sides of an issue Fox News complains loud and long that they are biased. In the tradition of Ronald Reagan, Fox has repeated their lies so loudly and so long that a frigthening number of people in this country have started to believe them.

News networks like MSNBC now feel that if they don't have a slant on the news they can't compete. Poor CNN, who started the whole 24 hour news network thing in the first place is becoming a dinosaur in their attempt to remain neutral.

I don't think Fox or MSNBC should be prohibited from broadcasting their opinions. But I don't believe they should be allowed to call themselves news channels. They ought to at least be honesst enough call themselves opinion channels. I doubt anyone would watch.

Jon Stewart has now become the person that an entire generation of Americans turn to for their news. Being a dinosaur myself I still watch a network news broadcast daily but I have to rely on Stewart to do what they won't: expose the idiocy of so much of what is taken at face value by the networks.

I think he is brilliant.

The President appeared on his show this week and Stewart held him to task for promising a lot more than he has delivered in the past 18 months. The Octomom accomplished a lot more in nine.

Frankly, I am getting tired of the President and his followers' time excuse, "I've only been in office 100 days...six months...12 months... 18 months........"

Should we blame the Republicans for there obstruction and failure to compromise? Sure, but blame the Democrats too for not having the guts to do what the American people put them in power to do two years ago.

I haven't seen one Democrat respond to ads attacking health care reform or the stimulus package respond by standing up for the laws they voted for. No wonder they are told to "man up"  This is surely one of the most blatantly sexist phrases I have ever heard. John Wayne is dead, people. There are no more men on the planet. Unless you count Rosie O'Donnell.

So we need Jon Stewart to hold a big giant mirror up to ourselves on The Mall this weekend. Let's hope we have the courage to look at ourselves honestly in it and start expecting more from ourselves and our news organizations.

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