Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let 'em Drink Soda! (And let me Eat Chips!)

The headline in the New York Times this morning  has me seething. Mayor Bloomberg is seeking federal permission to bar NYC food stamp recipients from using them to buy soda. Soon new gangs will be forming all over NYC of third and fourth graders selling their food stamps on the black market for Dr. Pepper.

This is it. I am forming a soda party! Government intervention in our lives has gone too far!

Soda kills us? Really? You know that for sure? I couldn't leave my house in the morning if it weren't for the caffeine in Diet Coke.

He cites study after study linking soda to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Maybe, I say. How many new sweeteners have been introduced over the years, consumed by the public and then recalled just because a few rats developed cancer when they were fed several times their own weight in the stuff? Scientists can never agree on what is safe and what isn't. (Thanks to companies willing to pay for their own research to prove their products are safe)

My point is something is going to kill us all. It might as well be soda.

Ever since Michelle Obama planted that garden at the White House she has been on crusade trying to get me to eat healthily. I bet she has chowed down on a few bags of chips in her life.( I made the supreme effort and visited a right leaning website to find an unflattering picture of her. I now know where she is keeping those chips. I promise I will post a flattering picture of her later.)

I know First Ladies have to have a project. Redecorate the White House like Jackie did or plant wildflowers like Lady Bird but for heaven's sake stay out of my kitchen unless you are planning on doing the dishes. Somebody has to do it and from the looks of things around here it isn't going to be me.

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