Friday, October 22, 2010

Note to Juan Williams: Unlike Fox, NPR is Looking for Intelligent Talk

Maybe all the folks on both sides of the political spectrum that are outraged over Juan Williams firings need to stop and consider this; it wasn't that his remarks were politically incorrect. They were just just plain stupid.

My local NPR station's motto is, "The place for in-depth news and intelligent talk."

When you tell Bill O'Reilly and his audience that you are afraid when you see Muslims dressed in traditional Muslim clothing get on a plane you have pretty much stopped making anything remotely related to intelligent talk.

It's the muslims that aren't in traditional garb that you have to worry about, Juan. They will probably be wearing a conservative navy blue suit to throw off security.

The fact that you would even appear on Fox News is grounds for being fired from any real news organization in my opinion. Even if you go on there to debate they aren't going to let you get away with saying anything that doesn't fit  the talking points of the day. We have all seen them talk over anyone trying to make sense. It's part of there audition process.

Where do you think Gloria Steinem has been all these years? They kidnapped her and keep her in a closet. They only let her out during  audtions, screaming for release. If you can't yell over her you don't make the cut.

I heard Whoopi defend you on The View, claiming that you were just stating a personal fear. But if your fear is as unjustified as this you might want to keep it secret until you see your therapist.

Do people who went to Catholic school become frightened when they see the few remaining nuns that still wear habits board a plane? As long as their homework is finished they have nothing to fear.

Do anorexics get jittery when they see flight attendants passing out those tiny bags of pretzels or nuts? Probably. But they just cinch in their seat belts until they can feel it come to rest against their backbone and buck up!

We all have our fears on a plane these days. When the lady with the six month old twins comes down the aisle we all wait anxiously until she has moved several rows behind us.

I hear Fox has picked you up already. I bet you were already on pretty shaky ground at NPR before this entire episode occured.

Congratulations! Unfortunately you are going to have a lot more to fear than traditionally dressed Muslims. I hear Ann Coulter isn't nearly as nice as she seems on air.

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