Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I am Going to Miss You Rick!

I am going to miss Rick Sanchez. I was just beginning to like him even if I did have to give up watching Sonny on General hospital to watch him in the afternoons. Maybe Maurice Benard can play him in the TV movie version of this incident.They do look like they may be brothers.

I am still waiting to find out why he went on a Jon Stewart/Jews control the media rant. My theory? Someone at CNN gave Eliot Spitzer the time slot he wanted. If this is the case I can't blame him. I hope he finds the road to redemption in the public eye. Why anyone would care to hear Eliot Spitzers comments are beyond me. He is just another in a long line of conservatives that have one standard for themselves and another for the rest of us. The only thing shocking about the Eliot Spitzer case is that the prostitute was female. I guess there really are a few straight conservatives.

For his Part Jon Stewart found a way to be gracious to him (after he brilliantly eviscerated him of course). Sometimes I think it is sad that it is the comedians that have to take up the mantle of liberalism in this country. I am not one of those that believes the mainstream media is tilted to the left. If anything today I believe Fox has forced them all to lean right since Fox's idea of fair and balanced means using the Republican National Committee's talking points.

MSNBC has decided that to survive they have to skew left. Their ratings have increased while CNN's have tanked. I don't applaud this move either. News should be news! There is a place for opinion of course. Perhaps networks should be forced to put one of those little clear icons in the corner when they are giving an opinion. After all, the opinion page in newspapers is clearly labeled. And no newspaper would ever blur the line between news and opinion.

It is rather fair to me that CNN is currently losing ratings since they are the ones that started this whole 24 hour news channel thing. At first it seemed like a great idea. With so much happening in the world we needed more news coverage. But they don't cover any more news in 24 hours than the evening newscast cover in 30 minutes. They pick a few (on a good day) news stories and cover them all day long. They fill the rest of the time with commentary, rumor and supposition or bring in two people on opposing sides to talk over one another.

No wonder most people choose to watch cooking shows, reruns of Dr. Quinn or soap operas, leaving those willing to be led astray to watch Fox.No wonder Fox's ratings are so high. Those of us with interestss other than bigotry and conspiracy theories are watching mainstream media or on the Internet where we should be. (Surely you don't think this is the only blog I read)

As for me I am heading back to General Hospital. I doubt I missed anything......unless Laura returned.

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