Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Why this Guy?

If you read this blog with any regularity, (and I know there are two of you who do) you know that I don't trust drug companies that feel the need to advertise. One of the commercials  that befuddles me is the one that has the guy painting his chest. I am not opposed to seeing hot men on television bare chested but this guy's chest does not fit the bill. 

Whoever this guy's agent is, I want him. Not that I want to paint my chest on television. The rain forest is already endangered. We don't need to go out and harvest that much latex.

Of all the men on TV that should be removing their shirts and painting their chest this guy is pretty far down the list. He has no definition and is just a couple of Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies short of having  a pot belly.

So why him? I guess if you are going to have a guy paint his chest on television you need someone with a large, fairly flat surface area. Well defined pecs and abs would have just gotten in the way. Still, couldn't they have settled for a smaller logo and gotten Zac Efron?

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