Thursday, December 2, 2010

John and Kate....the Gifts that Keep on Giving

Thank you, thank you, thank you for returning to the air waves this morning to clear up those nasty rumors about your darling, damaged children. After  a week of internet rumors concerning the fact that two of her children were expelled, my one and only reason to live, Kate Gosselin appeared on the Today Show this morning to clear things up for us. Her children weren't expelled from their private school. They were just having some anger issues and can no longer attend. That's called being expelled everywhere except the TLC studio you call your home, Kate!

Honey, honey honey! Do you even believe your own lies any more?

Please hand Meredith Vieira an Emmy now for being able to sit there with a straight face and listen to this psychotic woman drift from reality into the dementia where she must spend most of her time. Kate practically nominated herself for sainthood during this segment. If Meredith had had any holy water on her she would have been canonized by now.The only gratification I got out of this appearance was the fact her hair was a mess. Apparently not even the hair dressers at NBC want to be around her. It's good to know someone has some standards there.

Later in the day John McCain appeared at Senate hearings making one last bold attempt to keep the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in place.

I have never understood why anyone thought of this man as a maverick. His medication must have worn off at the time. He never appeared to be any different than any other politician to me yet the media and the talk show hosts were always so enamored of him.

John McCain served with gay men. You know he did. So how in the world could he oppose this repeal? Who would he rather serve with; a closeted homosexual or an out one? Which did he think was more likely  to make some stealth attack in the middle of the night while he was lying on that tiny POW cot we all saw too much of during his presidential run?

Just wait. Like most of his conservative cohorts that rage against homosexuality he is going to come out of the closet sooner or later. Maybe he will  be caught in a bathroom stall tapping his foot (and I don't mean in time to Justin Bieber's latest single)

Or maybe he will finally admit to having lived with a man all these years. That wife of his is pretty but in a very severe way. You most drag queens.  When she refers to having a little nip and a little tuck she may not be referring to her plastic surgery.

Time will tell. You know I have always been right before!

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