Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Bird Feeder is Empty!

You can imagine why my bird feeder is as void as Sarah Palin's right temporal lobe. I can tell you in one word: Rocky! I saw  the little varmint outside my window yesterday as I was gettting ready to head out to go substitute teach. Despite the fact that it was only nine degrees outside I went out in my robe (door checked to make sure it was not locked behind me this time) and threw a broom up into the tree at him. He scattered back to his tree but I know he was watching and saw me leave a few minutes later. (This guy could work for the CIA) Sure enough when I got home from school the entire feeder was empty and a big pile of birdseed was on the ground.

I haven't filled the thing up since. I have decided the most effecient way to feed the birds in my neighborhood is to just throw the seed on the ground. Rocky doesn't want to work hard enough to get it piece by piece and the birds don't seem to  mind.

Tossing out the bird seed instead of filling the bird feeder reminds me of the only funny argument my parents ever had.  It was a Sunday morning. Aren't most family fights on Sunday morning when good Christians are getting ready for church? My mom made the remark about fixing breakfast to which my dad angrily replied, "Well hell, all you do is throw the cookies on the table!" (As Karen once said on Will and Grace, "It's funny because it was true.") I don't remember the rest of the fight. It couldn't have escalated too far because we made it to church on time. But it's a good phrase to remind us all how silly some of the things we get uset trying to fight a squirrel over birdseed. I give up, Rocky, as you knew I would. You win!

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