Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Don't Think Google is Reading my Blog

A couple of weeks ago I was finally getting enough hits on my blog that I let Google "monetize" it, meaning I allowed them to place ads on my blog in exchange for payment every time someone clicked on one of them. (I haven't gotten a check yet)

I realize the folks at Google are very very busy reinventing the world and trying to take over Communist China but don't they have ANY humans working there? Or is the entire complex just filled with little "bots?"

The first ads that appeared were for bird feeders and something called a "squirrel-a-whirl" that I didn't mind so much since the posts at the time I allowed Google to put the ads on were filled with the adventures of Rocky. I could see how they might mistake me for a nature lover.

But yesterday I noticed a display ad for "And I'm a Mormon" God help me. Google really needs to do more than just scan the blog for words appearing here than to make the assumption that I am in favor of Mormonism because the word appears on this blog.

This morning the ad is for a presidential straw poll The only choices are Palin, Gingrich and Romney. I think Satan, the Devil incarnate or Lucifer would give people a much better range of choices than those three.

 I am sure they think I am a die hard Republican since I wrote a piece on Reagan yesterday. I am sure there will be an ad for cowboy boots and Alzheimer's medication appearing soon. I should have enough scruples to contact Google and ask that they remove the ads but frankly I am just barely computer savvy enough to be typing this.

So when you see an ad for the Republican National Committee appearing here, please go ahead and click on it! The half cent that I receive in revenue will be the only time trickle down economics has ever benefited me financially. 

Let me give Google a hint. If you want to place a display ad on my blog I would prefer seeing the Old Spice Guy.

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