Monday, November 8, 2010

Momma Rose is Alive and Well and Living in Malibu

I just saw Matt Lauer interviewing Dina Lohan regarding Lindsay's weekend release from the Betty Ford Center. Apparently after spending two weeks in family sessions at Betty Ford Dina is now willing to admit that Lindsay is an addict. Good for you, Dina.

Later in the interview Dina stated that she doesn't read the tabloids. Apparently Dina doesn't have to shop at Wal-Mart or Target, otherwise she wouldn't be able to avoid them. She might have saved Lindsay, herself  and the nation a whole lot of trouble if she had. She might have figured out a whole lot sooner that Lindsay was using a little too heavily.

Apparently after just a few weeks at Betty Ford Lindsay has become a different person. Good for her.  (and even better for us) She wants to open her own facility to help other young people. Oh great. The last thing I need after years and years of hearing about Lindsay's troubles is having  to look forward to hearing stories about how her center changed the life of other troubled young people.

I am lucky I guess that whatever demons I have don't involve drugs or alcohol. A drink or two now and then might not be a bad idea in my case. It might lower my blood pressure. Let's just hope for my sake chocolate is never declared a controlled substance.

I know I should develop more sympathy for people with addictions. It's just that I dread their "I was so messed up and now I am not" stories. It's worse than having to look at some one's vacations pictures.

I haven't been able to handle addiction stories since I saw The Days of Wine and Roses a long, long time ago. It depressed me beyond words. (I know that reference is way to obscure for you kiddies.) I always hate the alcoholism and drug addiction plots on All My Children orThe Young and the Restless too. They are so predictable. (unlike the rest of the soap opera plots)

Watching Dina this morning it was so obvious that this woman is trying to live through her daughter. She dresses and looks just like her. I think she is even borrowing Lindsay's extensions while she is in rehab. No wonder this girl is messed up. She probably keeps going to rehab just to get a little space. 

Didn't Dina ever see Gypsy? I swear people could live much  more fulfilling lives if they just paid more attention to musical theatre. It will save your life! And your daughter's!

I wish Lindsay well. I hope she finds happiness. I know it's tough when you earn millions per picture. But in the meantime a note to all aspiring stage mothers (and fathers) out there. Please, please before you put your kid in show business pick up a copy of Gypsy on DVD.

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