Saturday, November 27, 2010

Jesus Never went Fly Fishing

The American Family Association says it is winning the war on Christmas. The group is concerned that too many retailers use the term, "Happy Holidays" as opposed to "Merry Christmas." They say they are winning this battle, having convinced many retailers to advertise "Merry Christmas" in the past five years.

Don't these people have any homeless people or abandoned babies to care for? Of course not. They are much to busy on their constant crusades to find something to offend their religious sensibilities to actually practice the principals of Christianity.

And why do they always, always have the word family in the name of their associations? I've got a family too. Most of them are Christian and we don't spend a whole lot of time looking for petty religious litmus tests to hold the rest of society up to. We are generally a lot more cordial to the outside world than we are to one another. We save our squabbling for family gatherings. Our family meals may not be fun but they sure are dramatic.

This year the group is targeting Dick's Sporting Goods for opening an online "Holiday Shop." How dare Dick's? Really! I personally have never darkened the door of any sporting goods establishment.  After all, I try not to move unless it's absolutely necessary. You won't find me blowing out my knees walking around a golf course or heaven forbid, jogging through the neighborhood. But I don't see what is so inherently evil in the words, "Holiday Shop."

And I am pretty sure Jesus wouldn't care. I have attended Sunday School since 1957 and I don't remember one reference to Jesus' interest in fly fishing, golf, tennis or racket ball. Besides, he used a net, remember?

No one who shops for me for the holidays (Yes I am Christian but I am not so close minded I wouldn't accept a Hannakuh gift) knows not to buy sporting goods. Unless the item they're buying has Cher, Angela Lansbury or Bernadette Peters featured on the packaging it's going to be re gifted or returned for an original cast album anyway.

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