Monday, September 13, 2010

Why Didn't Anyone Tell me About September?

When I have considered my favorite months in the past I have rarely considered September. This is probably because for thirty-three years I was always caught up in the start of a new school year. The start of a new year was always the most difficult time, trying to figure out what was going to work best with any particular new class of students.

But the last two years I have really gotten to savor the last days of summer that September provides;those precious days each year when I can have my windows open but not so hot that I don't want to turn on my oven in case I decide to bake some cookies or want pizza for supper.

I think September gets a bad rap from songwriters. The songs are always so melancholy. I admit to being sucked in by them in the past. I have focused more on the fact that summer was ending and dreading the approaching winter than enjoying the day at hand. That again was probably due to the fact I didn't get to enjoy the day until after 3:30 when school let out and then there were only a few hours of sunlight left.

Generally I am opposed to weather. Think of all the costs we incur because of it; heating and cooling bills, the need for  a roof and occasional roof repair, different clothes for different seasons. But even I have a hard time finding fault with the climate today.

This is the time of year I can really appreciate living in Southern Illinois. No one complained about the humidity today. I can feel the change of season coming on but don't have to deal with it yet. The change of season is such a blessing. It makes us really appreciate the temperate times of year.

 I am grateful to live somewhere we have all four seasons but the older I get the less winter I need. I am to the point I can really only deal effectively with about three weeks of cold weather. And I am not talking about three weeks in a row. Three weeks total from November through February is all I can deal with. I no longer get to take off work on snow days so what good are they?


  1. Boo...not enough bitching or

  2. sorry...I will try to do, worse.

  3. Fall is a GOOD time, enjoy it as you can, and your newfound love of it.
