Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summer of the Crazies

Is it just me or was this the summer of the crazies? Maybe it is the 24 hour news channels. I am pretty much convinced they are ruining society with the constant need for topics no matter how uneccassary the coverage is. Or maybe it is the internet. Doesn't anybody just use the internet for it's rightful purpose anymore; to search for porn?

Lindsay Lohan made news by sending the judge a little message on her fingernails then going to jail and rehab.  They kept her in solitary confinement. What kind of punishment was that? They should have put her in general population and let them recreate scenes from Mean Girls.

A an airline attendant got thoroughly irritated, cussed out the passengers on his plane and escaped down the emergency chute with a couple of beers in hand. They are sending this guy to anger management. I bet that really irritates him.  I am not sure I would have gotten on this guy's plane anyway. He looks like someone who should audition for the role of Mayor the Munchkin village in the road tour of Wicked.

According to Glenn Beck half  a million people went to the mall to listen to him speak at the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's speech. Other reports suggested it was no more than 87,000. Crazy! They were encouraged not to carry signs since it wasn't a political event. I suspect the real reason was they were afraid the spelling police would be out in force. He can't count and they can't spell. No wonder they are so attracted to one another.

But the craziest of the crazies is this Terry Jones character who decided to burn Korans on the anniversary of 9/11. He has graciously agreed not to burn the Korans if the builders of the Muslim community center that would include a mosque agree to move it to another location. This is a man who sells furninture out of his "church" on Ebay. The best solution would be to just let him burn the Korans and not film it.But that would be too much to hope for in the information age.

Of course like all of the craziest of the crazies he is claiming Jesus told him to do it.  I bet he went ahead and ate the toasted cheese that Jesus' face appeared on anyway.

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