Thursday, January 6, 2011

When Did I Turn into Jane Hathaway?

Despite the fact I have enough Christmas gift wrap to last two more Christmases  I found myself in the Christmas section of Walmart  the week after Christmas. By some miracle no new glittered or foiled wrap caught my eye but I turned the corner and spotted the bird feeders and birdseed left over from when the place had been a garden center.

I have an out of control crab apple tree in my front yard and despite the fact I have never fed them, each winter a couple of cardinals nest there.They had been on my mind over the recent snowfalls so I picked up an inexpensive feeder and some premium bird mix fortified with vitamins. I figure someone on my property should be eating healthily and it sure isn't going to be me. (Excuse me now while I go get another Tootsie Roll.)

I filled the feeder and I must admit I have enjoyed watching the birds feed through the big picture window in my living room. The feeder even attracted a couple of blue jays. Then Rocky found it. I only know one squirrel name, Rocky so Rocky is the name I have given to my knew nemesis in life. (Move over, Kate Gosselin.)

The first time I found the feeder tipped over was last weekend when I returned from visiting Larry in Paducah. There had been storms and even some tornadoes in the area while I was gone so I just assumed that was the cause. I sat it right and thought no more about it The  next morning it was tipped over again. I adjusted it  again, this time blaming the fact that I had bought a cheap feeder at Walmart.

The next day I walked outside and there was Rocky perched in a branch near the feeder with his cheeks stuffed with birdseed. He had consumed so much he should have been able to fly like his namesake at that point. Ten thousand trapshooters coverge on Sparta every year and not one around when you need them.

I brought the thing inside,  taped the "roof" to the bottom within an inch of its life and set it back in the tree.

The only problem was I was still in my robe (after all it was only noon). and I had shut my front door behind me. I was locked out of the house. Again! Thank goodness my neighbors were all at work because I managed to expose my best side to their dogs when I finally managed to grab a ladder, dislodge a window and crawl through.

The tape is holding but restocking the  feeder is now a major pain in the part of my anatomy that finally shut those barking dogs up. I think I finally found away to frighten them.

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