Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is it Just Me or is the News too Depressing to Watch Any More?

Morning after morning I get up to get my daily dose of Matt Lauer but just can't find the nerve to turn on the television wondering which Middle Eastern country is falling into chaos sending gas prices skyrocketing or which governor has declared his state's teachers public enemy number one.

I guess he is going by Muammar now but I still remember him as Colonel Gaddafi. He was a nut job forty years ago. We've had ten years to roam around Afghanistan but we couldn't have done anything about this loony toon in the last forty years?

If it weren't Libya it would be Iran or Iraq or some other country in the Mideast. Can't we just take a decade off from this area? I assume the answer is no since we still need their oil. How nice it must have been to live in the pre-automobile age when you wouldn't have had to care which of these nations was going after one another or the despots that run them. The last time they had a model citizen roaming around that area of the world they crucified him. Before that they probably complained about what Moses' parting of the Red Sea did to their water pressure.

I realize it is partially my fault. Like most Americans I am addicted to oil. We have known since the mid-seventies that the Mideast couldn't be trusted to provide a stable supply of oil so why didn't someone, anyone develop another type of engine in that time period?

Again I blame myself for this. If I had just assigned a few more science projects one of my former students may have invented a new type of engine by now.

So I guess it is all teachers' faults as  the governors of Wisconsin and New Jersey would attest. Who are these people? I mean really. Fat ass Chris Christie never attended public school and his kids attend private school. He attended Catholic school. Why should public school teachers suffer because he got his knuckles rapped? (deservedly so I am certain)  I am sure not even the nuns liked him. Noone, not even a nun has that much love of Jesus coursing throught their veins.

He just looks like a bully and we all know bullies are unhappy people with deep seeded personal issues (unlike bloggers) I am certain something in his past caused this resentment of teachers, probably because they didn't allow him to eat in class or only let him have one chicken leg on fried chicken day in the cafeteria. Or maybe he is just an opportunist who was determined to find some group to be a scape goat for his political agenda.

That guy in Wisconsin, Scott Walker is even worse, wanting to take away collective bargaining rights for public workers with the exception the ones who supported his campaign. The hypocrisy and  arrogance of these people is astounding. It's even been revealed that the guy was asked to leave college for cheating. I believe people can change but the fact he became a politician isn't a very good indication that he is trying to put his best foot forward is it?

At least I have Charlie Sheen to give me comfort. His is a sad, sad case. My mother told me that money couldn't buy you happiness. Apparently she did not know about mind altering drugs and wouldn't admit to me that there were people in the world that made their money in the sex industry. I would say Charlie bought him some happiness, for a while anyway.

I can't say I will miss Two and a Half Men. Like most sitcoms it became predictable several seasons ago. I always thought his costar, Jon Cryer was more talented anyway.

Thank goodness all is not lost. They finally announced the next cast of Dancing With the Stars although at this point they need to rename it Dancing With a Disney Prodigy, a Couple of Has Beens and a Couple of People so Obsure This Will be their One Shot at Fame. I mean really. Ralph Macchio? Did they really run out of ex boy banders this quickly?

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